Teacher Mom Chronicles Success Story
Teacher Mom Chronicles is a website that offers a safe space for working moms to share their stories, resources, and experiences. Brittany aims to give working moms who struggle to balance the many aspects of their life a support system. Brittany hopes that by sharing her ups and downs as a teacher and mom and using great storytelling and humor that she can relieve the stress of other working moms. She wishes to build a community that empowers all working moms.
She also promotes black-owned businesses to help her fellow business owners of color.
WordPress was used to create Brittany’s website because of its flexibility and plug-ins. A first draft for the website was created for Brittany. The website went through several revisions. Aspects such as color, font, and layout had to be changed to meet Brittany’s vision. A logo that represents Brittany and the spirit of being a teacher mom also had to be made.
Standard plug-ins were added to help her website.
Yoast SEO helps the site rank higher on the google search list.
Anti-spam to prevent annoying emails.
Wordfence to prevent viruses and malware from infecting the site.
Brittany’s website works marvelously. The website loads all the assets quickly. It is easy to navigate and complemented with a simple yet vibrant color scheme. Moms will easily be able to find the stories they’re looking for to help them through their own struggles. The contact page allows other moms to reach Brittany easily and form a community.
Finally, Brittany promotes other black-owned businesses in her website’s directory page to show solidarity and give back to her community.
Project Details
Noto Sans Regular 32pt
Noto Sans Regular 24pt
Noto Sans Regular 16pt
Noto Sans Bold 14pt
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See how we dealt throughout our client’s distinct concerns and implemented our methods to ensure their online presence and influence grew every day.